Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gingerbread Mystery

During the month of December, 1F students worked diligently comparing the characters, settings, and events of a variety of versions of the traditional tale of the Gingerbread Man. We are getting very good at retelling a story!
Next, thanks to the assistance of Mrs. G., we were able to make some delicious gingerbread cookies. We worked very hard decorating the cookies and took great care placing them in the oven to cook. When we went to retrieve our cookies, imagine our surprise when all we found was a note,
"Run, run, run really fast, you can't catch us we are the gingerbread class!"
1F students looked all over the school for the little rascals. They left notes in our gym teacher, Mr. Konrad's class, the office and even in Mrs. Woodruff's library. Poor Mrs. Woodruff thought she may have closed the door on a little brown foot and is pretty sure they left flour on her library floor.
Just before we got ready to go home there was a knock on our classroomdoor. One of the GNPS staff caught the little stinkers running down the hall. Needless to say, we gobbled them up quickly before they could escape again! It was an exciting day!
Lise Fellbaum

1F Gingerbread Mystery on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Good job, the cookies look delicious!
