Monday, September 26, 2011

What's happening this week.... September 26th - September 30th

Last week we began discussing what learning skills are and together we developed our learning goals for three of these skills; responsibility, collaboration,and initiative.
*I can take care of myself.
*I am responsible for my things.
*I treat everyone with respect.
*I use my words to solve problems.
*I will always try my best.
*I am excited to learn new things.
We spent last week reviewing short "a" word families and will move on this week to a review of short "e" word families. We continue to spend time discussing our predictions during the read aloud portion of our literacy block and have been having a lot of fun with a series of books by Doreen Cronin about the adventures of some animals on a farm. Students are getting really good making predictions based on information they knew or have gathered from the pictures and details in the story.

In math we will finish up our Sorting and Patterning unit and will be concentrating on identifying the pattern core in a pattern and extending the pattern according to the pattern rule.
In Social Studies we have been discussing the importance of rules and how they are established to keep us safe.
On Monday we will be having our first Student of the Month Assembly @10:35 in the gym. Two students are selected each month. I will let parents' know the details ahead of time when your child has been chosen. This month's topic is "Caring."
Have a good week.
Lise Fellbaum

Monday, September 19, 2011

Exploring with the Math Manipulatives


Last week students had an opportunity to "dump" our math kit and explore the various manipulatives in the kit. It was a great opportunity for students to work together collaboratively as a table team.

Enjoy the show.

Lise Fellbaum

Exploring with the Math Kit Manipulatives on PhotoPeach

Pete the Cat


1F students have really enjoyed this live telling of Pete the Cat - I Love My White Shoes performed by the books' author Eric Litwin. They were humming the tune all day long.


Lise Fellbaum

What's happening this week September 19th - 23rd


We are quickly settling into our grade one routines & our timetable has been finalized. I will be posting it to our class website soon. Please note the following to assist your child in being prepared for these subject areas.
Gym - Day 1 & Day 5 Students should be prepared to participate in physical activity in the gym and should have a pair of indoor shoes that are kept at school.
Library - Day 4 Students are allowed to take home a library book each week provided they return their old book. Please take good care of these books so they can continue to be enjoyed by students for years to come.

This week during our literacy block we are continuing to learn our colour songs and will be focusing on short "a" word families. We are learning that there are three ways that we can read a book; read the words, read the pictures and retell the story. Using these strategies we will work on slowly increasing our independent reading time.

In numeracy we are continuing to sort things by looking at different attributes such as size, colour and shape. We have established some basic routines during Marvelous Math Minutes that allows us an opportunity to review basic numeracy concepts daily.
I have included a couple of screen capture pictures for you to see.

We will also be talking about rules and responsibilities and the importance of following these rules. Students will be asked to record some rules that they have in their home later this week.

Don't forget that this Wednesday is Meet the Teacher Night. Teachers will be in their classrooms from 5-6:30. Food and beverages will be sold by the Rotary Club as well.

Thanks for your continued support

Lise Fellbaum

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What's Happening this week September 12th - 16th


1F students enjoyed a very successful start to the school year as they experienced coming to school, every day, for the first time. It was a busy week meeting new friends & learning new routines. By the time Friday rolled around we were ALL looking a little tired, teacher included:}

I am so excited for the year ahead and the learning adventures we will have. We have already formed a welcoming and accepting community of learners and will continue with more community building activities this week. Our "Me" bag presentations will give us a perfect opportunity to learn more about each other.

During our numeracy block we will be "dumping" our math kit to explore its' contents and will begin our first unit called "Patterning and Sorting."

During our literacy block we have been learning to make predictions while we are reading a story. This strategy encourages students to think about reading, and to develop that "I can´t wait to find out what happens" feeling. Predicting involves more than trying to figure out what happens next in a story. As students find evidence to form hunches, they also ask questions, recall facts, reread, skim, infer, draw conclusions, and, ultimately, comprehend the text more fully. When reading with your child at home stop periodically throughout the story and discuss what your child thinks will happen next, and what happened in the story to give them that idea.

In Science this week we are going to begin our first unit called Daily and Seasonal Cycles. As the fall season quickly approaches please take the time to discuss the changes happening all around us.

Thanks for your continued support
Lise Fellbaum

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Grade 1F 2011


I am very excited to see everyone tomorrow for our first day of school. We will have so much fun greeting old friends, meeting new friends and learning about each other.

This is going to be a fantastic year!

Lise Fellbaum