My Mystery Project
Green Group - What group does it belong to?
It is used by cats.
Blue Do - What do you do with it?
You put it on a cat.
Eye - What does it look like?
It is pink and has diamonds.
Green Group - What group does it belong to?
It is used by cats.
Blue Do - What do you do with it?
You put it on a cat.
Eye - What does it look like?
It is pink and has diamonds.
Brown - What is it made of?
It is made of leather.
Pink - Parts What are its parts?
It has a bell and a buckle.
White - Where? Where do you find it?
You find it in a pet store or on a cat.
Orange - What else do I know?
A leash can go with it.
It is made of leather.
Pink - Parts What are its parts?
It has a bell and a buckle.
White - Where? Where do you find it?
You find it in a pet store or on a cat.
Orange - What else do I know?
A leash can go with it.